Tuesday 13 December 2011

Some examples of adverts for my product

 I chose this advert as an example because it is plain and simple and has a big image and tells you what the product is and it looks effective by being simple.
 I chose this advert because it has a very good image on a basic background with barely any text and gets to the point quickly.
I like this advert because I like how it is set out with one big image then a bold title with some small text then four smaller images with different designs

Monday 12 December 2011

It is effective because it shows the product and has good corresponding text and a catchy slogan the age group of this product is 13 to 15 year olds because they are the only people who would spend that much money on custom shoes because it is unique and represent them and young people want to be more unique and I would buy this because of the advertising techniques

Thursday 24 November 2011

media questions

1. What does an advert (print) need to have to make it look professional?

For an advert to look professional you need it to appeal to their target audience and for it to look good so people would want to buy it.

2. How does an advert persuade people that they "need" the product advertised?

The advert persuades people that they need the product by showing them what the product can do.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

AIDA in adverts

This advert shows AIDA in lots of ways. Some ways are in its slogan("even angels will fall") and this would attract the customer to buy it even though it is an obvious untrue saying. It also uses the purple light to attract people.
This advert had AIDA in it in a few ways. It uses its slogan to its advantage(Just do it) and changes it to make more people want to buy it(Just buy it). It also includes an image to show what it looks like.

Monday 7 November 2011

Television advertisement

1. The first TV ad broadcast in the UK was on ITV on 21 September 1955, advertising Gibbs SR toothpaste.
2. The current record for an advertising slot on British Television is quoted at being £250,000 for a 30 second slot during the 2010 series of Britain's Got Talent.
3. The television advertising the UK are cheaper because the US population is 5 times bigger.
4. The impact that digital recorders have on advertising is that some adverts are not getting seen as you can just skip to the program.
5. Product placement means when you put an advert into a tv program

Monday 31 October 2011

Where advertisements are found

bus stop
spam mail 

Thursday 20 October 2011

My photoshop work

Before my photoshop work:

After the photoshop work:

The tool I used was the lasso

Monday 17 October 2011

media representation of teenagers Part 4- conclusion

Part 4- Conclusion
Now that I have gone into reasearch about how teenagers are represented in the media I have seen that they represented pretty bad as stealing, selfish and rude people however, there are still some good bits like how they can be caring and honest but that is only rare in the media. So overall I think the media represents teenagers in not the best way and I hope that one day this stereotype will be lifted from teenagers everywhere.

Media representation of teenagers Part 3- news

Part 3- News
London riots- The London riots is a terrible thing that shows teenagers as theiving, looting uncooperative citizens this annoyed me so much because I thought that whenever now teenagers such as myself walk outside it feels to me like I’m always being watched. This is unfair because most teenagers are not like that and thats what annoys me the most these people didn’t think about what they were doing. Overall I wish that something like this never happens again because it damaged many people and their lives all because of teenagers like these.

Killing of Rhys Jones- Rhys was a good boy who was just on the way home from foorball when a teenager came up from behind and shot Rhys in the back. This was a very sad day for Rhys’s family and the teenager that killed Rhys was a bad representation as it showed that teenagers would see a target and then kill them. This again is not what all teenagers are like especially not like this. Finally I hope that Rhys’s family are ok and that whoever done this feels horrible for what he done.

The media representation on teenagers Part 2- Films

Part 2- Films
Dudley Dursley- Dudley is a bad teenager because he always bullies Harry and whines whenever he doesn’t get what he wants. This is bad because it shows that it could represent most teenagers are spoilt or are bullies but that is simply not true. Overall I think Dudley is a mean selfish teenager who is a bad representation of teenagers.

Harry Potter- Harry Potter is a good/not so good teenager most of the time he is caring to his friends and studies well in class but, sometimes Harry goes and breaks the rules but then again it is mostly for a good reason. This is an alright representation of a teenager because although he does break the rules sometimes it is mainly for a good reason otherwise he is a very good teenager from that. 

Thursday 6 October 2011

media representation of teenagers people project Television

Part1- Television

Some television programs show teenagers as fowl mouthed violent people and here is a few of the television show characters to show this.

South Park- Cartman

The character Cartman has a really bad attitude he always swears and is rude to other members of society. I think this is a bad way to show how teenagers act as most of the time in the episodes he is racist, sexist and homophobic. The story lines in the show represent them in a bad way as most of the time they bully real people in cartoon form they are also nasty but popular with his friends but they don’t his friends don’t like him.

Waterloo Road- Tariq Siddiqui

Tariq represents teenagers as an over protective person who behaves in a bad manor when no one does what he says. He is over protective because he won’t let his sister do what she wants.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

media representation on teenagers people project Intro

Intro- For this media project I have chosen to talk about teenager stereotypes because I feel that the media present them in a bad way but really there are a lot of good teenagers out there. I think that teenagers are presented as violent youths and that’s not right so I am going to see just why people think teenagers are like this using the media.


Tuesday 20 September 2011

Our media interests

Our media interests are social networking, films, computer games, music, T.V, news and computers. We like these because we can learn different information which can help us our later lives. Also we like computer games because they entertain and intrigue us both. I leave you with this "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get" Forrest Gump